Sarah Rosensweet is a certified peaceful parenting coach, speaker, and educator and the founder of Reimagine Peaceful Parenting. She lives in Toronto with her husband and her 17 year old daughter. Her 20 and 23 year old sons have launched. Peaceful parenting is a non-punitive, connection-based approach that uses firm limits with lots of empathy. Sarah works one-on-one virtually with parents/caregivers all over the world to help them go from frustrated and overwhelmed to, “We’ve got this!”
To further your learning on, Peaceful Parenting, or, to listen to the top-rated, Peaceful Parenting podcast, please visit: www.reimaginepeacefulparenting.com.
Here is a link to the PowerPoint slidedecks, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14fXZIh9pLTUCSOmZ8AjCMIsopZf2rMP3?usp=sharing.
You will find the presentations on the PCCEO YouTube channel at, https://www.youtube.com/@pceotdsb4577.